A busy week ahead for markets: summits and ECB rate decision on the agenda
No sign of recovery in January either
Here are the export and import data for 2024
Strange external balance developments
Article by the Professor of the Corvinus University
Most likely due to the ailing industrial production
A tiny spark will be enough for big market moves this festive week
October external trade data fail to show a recovery
Surplus reduced
Fitch credit rating of Hungary and US unemployment scheduled for the last working day
We show them in our latest macro calendar
September brings new turnaround in the economy
No worries, there's room for a little erosion
It's been a long time since we've seen so many important events at the same time
Bad news for economic growth
Key figures come amid heightened international sentiment
Economy Minister Márton Nagy links Hungarian growth performance to Germany
2023 Report on EU Trade Defence Activities adopted
Surprisingly small surplus in July
Extremely sluggish momentum